With almost 40 years of experience partnering with our Tenants, REM is in a unique position to deliver new facilities in a cost effective, timely and efficient manner.
Fit-Up Services
REM Development is a one-stop shop for clients requiring fit-up and customization for their leased space. Whether our tenants require warehouse and/or basic office space or complex floor design configurations in manufacturing and distribution, REM can be responsible for all custom location fit-ups. This results in a substantial savings for our tenants. We do our own planning, design, construction and, if required, state and local permitting for all our buildings.
Build to Suit Services
REM Development partners with businesses in build to suit (BTS) agreements. Many businesses have specific facility needs that are better suited by designing and building from the ground up rather than retrofitting an existing property. REM is involved in the project from start to finish and takes the lead on:
- Site selection
- Building and facility design
- Permitting
- Project management during construction
- Utilizes REM service providers and contractors
- Delivers a turnkey building designed for the Tenant’s unique needs